Log into the web trading platform with a suitable set of (demo) credentials.
Figure 1 – The web platform login page
To work with the widgets in Web Trader, you need to open them in a workspace (a separate tab). A workspace can contain one or more widgets, and several workspaces can be opened at the same time. The way multiple widgets are organized in a single workspace is called a layout.
Duplicating and Saving Layouts. Layouts can be renamed and saved for future use. The layout tabs that were active during the last logoff will be opened at the next login. If you wish to copy a layout to make minor adjustments and save it under a different name, click the hamburger menu button next to the layout name and click Duplicate.
Figure 2 – Layout duplication
You can save and manage layouts using the layout button next to the hamburger menu. To save a layout, click the layout button, select Save Layout As… and type the desired layout name in the dialog window.
Figure 3 – Saving a layout
To access saved and public layouts, click the layout button and select the desired layout from My Layouts or Public Layouts.
Figure 4 – Saved and Public Layouts
You can use the top panel to access widgets, view account metrics, save layouts, change your password, generate account statements, top up demo trading accounts, and log out. The top panel consists of three sections: a widget section grouped into three drop-down lists, account metrics, and the 'hamburger' menu.
You can access the widget section from the top left corner of the screen. All widgets are grouped into two drop-down lists: Account and Market. For more information about the widget section, go to Widgets.XXXXX
Figure 5 – Widget section
You can find essential account metrics in the center of the top panel. The basic metrics displayed here include:
Figure 6 – Basic account metrics
Left-click on the metrics section to view more detailed metrics.
Figure 7 – Detailed account metrics
Some essential tasks related to the Web Trader user account can be accessed from the hamburger menu (≡) in the top right corner. You can change your account password, generate an account statement, top up demo trading accounts and log out from the hamburger menu. This is how it works:
To change your password, click the hamburger menu icon and select Change password. In the Change password dialog window, type your old password, specify the desired new password, and retype the new password to confirm it.
Figure 8 – Hamburger menu: Change Password button
Figure 9 – Hamburger menu: Change Password dialog
To generate an account statement, click the hamburger menu icon and select Account Statement. In the Account Statement dialog window, select the period for the account statement from the available pre-sets (Today, Last Week, Last Month) or specify a custom period using the From/To calendar buttons. Click Generate Statement. The statement will open in a new browser tab. To close the Account Statement window and exit, click Cancel.
Figure 10 – Hamburger menu: Account Statement
To top up demo trading accounts, click the hamburger menu icon and select SIM Account Deposit. In the SIM Account Deposit dialog window, select the simulated trading account from the drop-down menu (current account is selected by default). Type the required deposit amount in Deposit, USD and click Add Deposit. The deposit will be added to the account balance. If you are trying to top up a live account, a Deposit Failed message will appear in the top right corner of the screen. To close the SIM Account Deposit window and exit, click Cancel.
Figure 11 – Hamburger menu: Add Money to your Demo Account
To log out from the web platform, click the hamburger menu icon and select Log Out. You will be automatically logged out, and the Web Trader login screen will appear.
The web platform comprises a number of widgets that facilitate trading and technical analysis. This section focuses on time & sales, account, order entry, positions, messages and trades. All widgets can be freely moved around the workspace, resized, duplicated, and linked to each other. Here are general guidelines on how to work with widgets:
To open a widget just click on its name in one of the three drop-down lists or drag&drop it into place. You can open multiple widgets inside the same workspace and use drag&drop to move them around. To open a widget in a new browser window, click the Detach button. To close a widget, click X in its top right corner.
Figure 12 – Using drag&drop to open a second widget in the workspace
You can link widgets. Two or more widgets in a workspace can be linked together to work with the same instrument and data. To do so, click on the Link widget button of the first widget and select a color from the drop-down list (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, or Pink). Following that, click on the Link widget button of the second widget and select the same color as for the first widget. The widgets will then display the information pertaining to the same instrument.
Figure 13 – Selecting a color to link widgets
Figure 14 – Linked widgets
Time and Sales is a widget that allows you to view detailed information on each transaction including price, date, time, exchange name and volume. The table comprises the following columns, all of which can also be used as filters:
To use the Time and Sales widget:
Figure 15 – Time and Sales
Account is a widget that displays detailed account metrics as a table. These metrics are the same as shown in the top panel on left-click and include:
Figure 16 – Account widget
Orders is a widget that allows you to view all working, filled, and canceled orders on the account over a specific period. The table view comprises the following columns, each of which can be filtered or sorted:
Figure 17 – Orders widget
This is how you can work with the Orders widget:
If you wish to display all orders over a specific period, click on the link next to Time Range in the top panel of the widget. You can select the period from four presets: Today (all orders issued during the current day), Last Week (all orders issued during the previous 7 days), Last Month (all orders issued during the previous calendar month), All History (all orders issued during the lifetime of the account). You can set a custom time range using the From/To date selector.
Figure 18 – Time Range selector
If you wish to collapse or expand all orders in the table, click Collapse or Expand buttons in the top right corner of the widget.
To view detailed information on a specific order or order group, left-click on the desired line in the table. The detailed information will be displayed in the Order History sub-widget in the bottom part of the Orders widget.
Figure 19 – Viewing order details in Order History
You can also work with the Orders widget using the right-click menu. To display it, right-click on the desired order or order group and select one of the actions:
To copy an order, select Duplicate. The Order Entry form will appear on the bottom of the screen with all the details of the duplicated order filled in. Click Confirm and Send to issue a duplicated order.
Figure 21 – Order duplication
Select Order History to view detailed information on the lifetime of the desired order or order group.
To issue an opposite order (e.g., a Sell order with the same details as the Buy order), select Opposite Order. The Order Entry form will appear on the bottom of the screen with all the details of the opposite order filled in. Click Confirm and Send to issue the opposite order.
To change the side of the order with the same details, select Buy or Sell. The selected side will be displayed in the Order Entry form. Click Confirm and Send to send a new order.
To add a watchlist to the orders table, select Add Watchlist. You are free to add multiple watchlists.
To create an alert for an instrument from the table, select Create Alert. Specify the alert details in the popup window. You can use +Add Condition to add multiple conditions and ask the platform to alert you if at least one condition or all conditions are triggered. You can also set up an expiration period for your alert with exact date and time. If you wish to be notified by email in addition to an in-platform message, activate the checkbox next to Notify By Email.
Figure 22 – Create alerts
Order entry is a permanent order entry form that remains hidden at the bottom of the screen and activates when the order details are to be specified. The top panel of the Order Entry window includes the following elements:
The bottom panel of the Order Entry window includes the following elements:
In the Order Entry window, you can modify order parameters before confirming and sending. Here is how you can do it:
In the Order Entry window, you can add one or more order activation rules to your order. To do so, click Activation Rule – Add. The Add Activation Rule window will appear.
Figure 23 – Add activation rules
These order types are available on the web platform:
Positions is a widget that allows you to view all long and short positions on the account over a specific period. The table view comprises the following columns, each of which can be filtered or sorted:
Figure 24 – Positions widget
Working with positions is also done via the positions widget:
If you wish to change the settings for displaying aggregate positions, click the Aggregate button in the top left corner of the widget. In the Aggregate dialog window, you can drag&drop the column names into place in Aggregated Columns to see how the aggregated positions will be displayed. Click Save to confirm the changes you’ve made or Cancel to exit the dialog window without saving.
Figure 25 – Aggregate columns selector
If you wish to issue a new order with the same details as the selected position, left-click on an entry. The Order Entry form will appear on the bottom of the screen with all the details of a new order filled in. Click Confirm and Send to issue the new order.
Figure 26 – Order entry on left-click in Positions
You can also work with the Positions widget using the right-click menu. To display it, right-click on the desired position and select one of the actions:
To close the position with a single order, select Close with Single order. The Order Entry form will appear on the bottom of the screen with all the details of the closing single order filled in. Click Confirm and Send to issue the closing single order.
Figure 27 – Closing with Single order
To close the position with OCO order, select Close with OCO order. The Order Entry form will appear on the bottom of the screen with all the details of the OCO order group filled in. Click Confirm and Send to issue the OCO order.
Figure 28 – Closing with OCO order
To change the side of the order in a position with the same details, select Buy or Sell. The selected side will be displayed in the Order Entry form. Click Confirm and Send to send a new order.
To add a watchlist to the positions table, select Add Watchlist. You are free to add multiple watchlists.
To create an alert for an instrument from the table, select Create Alert. Specify the alert details in the popup window. You can use +Add Condition to add multiple conditions and ask the platform to alert you if at least one condition or all conditions are triggered. You can also set up an expiration period for your alert with exact date and time. If you wish to be notified by email in addition to an in- platform message, activate the checkbox next to Notify By / Email.
Messages is a widget that displays all system messages sent to the account.
Trades is a widget that allows you to view all executed trades on the account over a specific period. The table view comprises the following columns, each of which can be filtered or sorted:
Figure 29 – Trades widget
Time range selection. If you wish to display all trades over a specific period, click on the link next to Time Range in the top panel of the widget. You can select the period from four pre-sets: Today (all trades during the current day), Last Week (all trades during the previous 7 days), Last Month (all trades during the previous calendar month), All History (all trades during the lifetime of the account). You can set a custom time range using the From/To date selector.
Figure 30 – Time Range selector
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